However, in the case of divorces or judicial separations, there have been sentences of different kinds, so that finally it has been the Supreme Court that has unified the doctrine in this regard. In the Judgment of July 20, 2015, the High Court states: That, if there is a marital separation, the bond subsists. so if the couple is reconciled, they must record the union in the Civil Registry so that the right to a widow's pension can exist.
That if a divorce occurs, the marriage bond is dissolved, as indicated in article 85 of the Civil Code, with which coexistence is no longer presumed nor is there an obligation for buy email database the couple to live together. In the event that they are reconciled during the divorce process and that this does not materialize.
They may be entitled to the widow's pension. In the event that there is a divorce decree, the marriage is understood as dissolved and a subsequent reconciliation would have no legal effect if the couple does not remarry. For their part, common-law couples must demonstrate that there is a notorious and stable cohabitation for more than five years. They must notify it immediately after the death of the deceased.