Away from the general concerns special email list of society, during 2019 the legislators essentially concentrated on negotiating behind closed doors the distribution of the new electoral bodiesThe difficult learning of Honduran democracyAfter special email list the democratic attempts of the middle of the last centuryand a mixed period of both conservative and reformist military dictatorships, Honduras experienced six electoral processes without interruption between 1980 and 2006, four of which favored the Liberal Party. The latter partially disintegrated with the special email list coup against the.
populist refounder Manuel special email list Zelaya, who from the plh itself intended to hegemonize the political scene through a National Constituent Assembly, an initiative that was blocked by members of his own party with the support of the special email list Armed Forces, business, media, religious sectors and the powers of the Condition. After decades of understandings and negotiations with the pnh , in one of the longest-lasting two-party systems on the continent, the dislocation of the liberal camp has resulted in the primacy of its rival in special email list state institutions.
With a decade of pnh special email list governments , Hernández has achieved what for many was Zelaya's purpose: approve the illegal re-election in and monopolize the powers of the State.had concentrated his mandate on the reintegration special email list of Honduras into the international concert after the coup d'état and, within this framework, he reached an understanding with the deposed president Zelaya called the Cartagena Agreement. The pact resolved the tensions that arose with the coup through a process of double legitimation the government of "national reconciliation" led by the pnh would be recognized nationally and internationally, as long as special email list Zelaya enjoyed the necessary.