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Raihan Ali
Apr 06, 2022
In Wellness Forum
Have you ever heard that the human attention span is email list about the same as that of a goldfish? Studies have shown that the average human attention span is that of a goldfish - around 12 seconds. Hey, why drag goldfish in there? It's not even true! People don't just spend 12 seconds on everything they see. Attention depends on the task and the number of distractions. People love netflix! That alone disproves the 12 second thing. When trying to promote your work, a good pitch can help you get the attention of "Gatekeepers", that is, people with access to an audience you want to reach. But your pitch has to be good. An editor will ignore you unless you know how to get their attention. By far the most common promotion for writing a pitch? An article to a journalist or publication editor. Your pitch can be for 1 of 2 reasons:to get them to cover a email list story you already have to see if they're willing to let you write something for themwhatever your reason for writing a pitch, you need to make sure it's good enough to sell someone an intangible idea. Before you can sell the content, you have to sell the concept. And it's not an easy task, but it's about to get easier. In this article, you will learn: how to pitch your pitch to a publication what does a good writing pitch require? 5 things you should never do when creating a pitchhow to email list pitch your pitch to a publication email is a common pitching practice, especially when pitching an article. Just like your pitch, an email should be succinct while sharing relevant information. If your email is starting to look like the next article full of paragraphs you want to write, take a second look. No one wants to read a novel in an email. Here is the basic outline that an introductory email should follow:s01b5bl8k section 1: say hello. Try to include something personal, like a common interest or recent news. Keep your introduction short and sweet. Section
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Raihan Ali

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